Sonntag, 24. Juni 2012

Commemorating the International Brigaders in Hamburg

The second Antifascist Harbour Event, organised by members of the KFSR (Kämpfer und Freunde der Spanischen Republik) and Antifascists from Hamburg, was held in Hamburg from the 18th. to the 20th. May.  Four comrades  from Belfast attended. On Friday we attended a meeting in the Ernst Thälmann memorial building, where at one time he lived before his arrest in 1933. A talk was given on Thälmann and Comrade Etkar (Edgar) André. Both had been harbour workers. André was also arrested in 1933 but was executed in 1936, Thälmann was executed in August 1944. The building is situated on Ernst Thälmann Platz which was a pleasant surprise and contains a photographic exhibition and other artefacts and is a great tribute to Thälmann and the pre-war Communist Party of Germany (KPD) which of course is still illegal having been banned in 1956, hence the surprise that the authorities still allow a square to be named after a famous Communist.

Freitag, 1. Juni 2012

Keine Zensur linker Autoren – „Linke Buchtage“ boykottieren!

No Censorship of Leftwing Authors – Boycott “Linke Buchtage”!

For years German leftwing critics of Israeli occupation-politics and Israeli imperialist wars (dressed up as “War on Terror”) are defamed, mobbed, threatened, censored – in some cases even violently attacked.

In Deutschland werden linke Kritiker der israelischen Besatzungspolitik und der als „Krieg gegen den Terror“ verbrämten imperialistischen Kriege seit Jahren diffamiert, bepöbelt, bedroht, zensiert – in einigen Fällen gewalttätig attackiert.